Thursday, May 11, 2006

Ode to Lavonne

Lavonne, you are the Mom that everybody loves. Of course, our mothers could never be replaced, but you do a fine job of standing-in when we are miles from our own moms. You're always so easy-going...I don't know how you do it, really. Your house is always clean (despite your belief that it isn't). You always welcome drop-in visits, no matter what you're doing, or even whether or not you happen to be home! I don't know that I've ever known a home besides my own where I could drop in any time, take a shower, do a load of laundry, or even fix a snack without feeling wierd. I remember when I'd just met Laura and started coming over Sundays & Mondays for my day off. Even though she went to work Monday morning, I still felt totally at home, whether or not I was eating breakfast burritos with you or hibernating in the guest room. You know how to have the perfect balance with people: if they need space, you give them space, if company, then company. Thanks for teaching us all the value of hospitality and generosity. I'm sure I can safely say, on behalf of all your adopted kids around the world, we love you and wish you the happiest of birthdays!


Anonymous said...

Aw, Megan, thank you so much! I started to look at this earlier this evening but got distracted so just got to it now that you've all left for home. You and Marc are easy to love, a joy to have around. Each one of our 'adopted kids' is a gift, sharing your love and your lives in so many different ways. It's an honor to be called Mom! Thank you, too, for all your help tonight. I love you--and Happy Birthday to You! Lavonne/mom

devon said...

Happy Birthday Lavonne, Megan is so right. I started crying and then i smiled. Thinking about how i miss you and then what good times we've had, and now how few those times are, but still i always feel at home with you, from the moment i walk through the door. I love you, Scott loves you and my kids will too, because we'll always come and we'll even try and remember your birthday sometimes. Love, devon

devon said...

Now Megan!!!
Happy Birthday today! I hope that this is the best one ever. With little missy munchie making your insides happy and Marc and the rest of us making you the rest of the way happy. I love you. Devon

Anonymous said...

Hey Megan,
Happy belated birthday-thank you for loving my mom and sharing her day with her since I couldn't be there for either of you! day, we'll be together again. Until then, I love you always. Peace.