Thursday, December 21, 2006

cookies and egg nog

Oooooh, I love the holidays! I love that my Mother In Law plays round-the-clock Christmas music on the radio, that there are a million Christmas decorations all over the house...even the scarey ones at least have a cool story (they are 30 years old, what Christmas dolls wouldn't have chunks of hair falling out at that age?). I love that Mieke tours the decked out tree every day with Grandma and Grandpa. I love that Jack-the-dog (as opposed to Jack-the-baby) even gets new Christmas toy bears to play with these days. The tree swells with presents and the Gingerbread tea has become a regular brew. These are the days that I love. Making memories with family, new family and old. Making new traditions with Marc and Mieke. I'm cherishing these days. And thanks to my daughter, picking out gifts for Marc has become much easier this year!

...Mmmmm, I don't know if Dad will like that one...

Let me see that other one again...

Oooo! Definitely not that one!

1 comment:

devon said...

Oh, this sweet baby! And what a nice Christmasy home to spend the time in. No snow, but you'll have plenty of that soon...