Our nephew Jackson is enjoying a peaceful boatride with his daddy, so Louise decides to wade in for the perfect photo. Meanwhile, the rest of the family is lounging on the beach when Steve offers $50 to anyone who will go push Louise into the lake. Stacey ups the ante by asking $100 when Marc decides $50 is enough for him. He darts into the lake to sneak up on his poor unsuspecting mother. One minute she's getting this shot...

and the next moment Marc's snatching her camera and dunking her...

Mom Brackley, beware. I did not know Marc had it in him...Then again, I can't see him turning on his mother-in-law for $50. Too big a risk.
how funny!
bet she's glad she got the picture first, it's so cute...
So...I've been wondering...I know your nephew's name is Jackson but we're also pretty certain that the dog's name was Jackson. Is the dog still alive? Does that get confusing?
Bob said he would've pushed his mom in just on a dare! And you should see his poor mom around water, she can't swim and gets very nervous.
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