Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Why does it seem that my life is CRAZY these days? It's not a bad crazy. It's just a really busy crazy. And a good crazy, really. This week we've had the fabulous return of the Jared and Candace family and the arrival of the Matthew and Rachel Ray family (with a 4 month old baby girl in tow). It's been absolutely wonderful having more people around...oh yes, Todd Will is visiting too, after just returning from a 6 week missions trip to Brazil (with New Tribes Mission). So I'm loving the company, catching up with old friends and making a couple of new friends. It's just that there's so much going on these days and the work load seems to loom a bit more.

We've been having some good community meetings lately, talking about issues such as -- dun-dun-dun -- the Vision of the Ministry, roles and responsibilites, new scheduling...These are all very big issues that take lots of thought and much discussion time. And we've also been starting to do outreaches again. Last week we went to Garberville to check out the Farmer's Market and cruise the town to see if there were any hippies around. Seeing as how we picked the hottest day ever, 110 degrees, there weren't many people out. But we've got some people going up to Arcata tomorrow with Iced Chai and homemade cookies (thanks to my dear husband who baked them in a 115 degree kitchen this afternoon).

Anyway, there are 3 lovely girls in my cabin now, ready and waiting to watch a girlie movie...The bottom line is, we're busy but really happy and my apologies for not blogging.


Lisa said...

I do too! Enjoy every minute of the crazy! Actually Meg, since you're about to be a new mom, embrace the crazy!

Anonymous said...

I miss you! Hope you can fit a quick visit with us into your crazy schedule soon. (It's a little hectic here, too, but always time for you!) Love ya, Lavone

1weirdgirl said...

me three me three...or am i four?
oh well... i miss you
and everyone mentioned
sooo much....

devon said...

Now i'm gonna pipe in that i wish i could've come! And candace says she uses as blanket at night? Unheard of! BUT, we'll be trying for Reggae, and thats looking like next weekend? Hope hope hope!