Could I come up with a more boring title for a post? I think all this food and relaxation is destroying my creative writing skills. Or perhaps I didn't have many to begin with, but anyway, that's not the point. The point is: my Grandma is the best! She threw me a surprise baby shower this week! It was the sweetest family baby shower I've ever had (thus far) with relatives that I haven't even seen for a few years in attendance. And gifts in abundance! I think my Mom packed a whole suitcase full of gifts for the wee girl. I can't even express my sentiments regarding all of the gifts we got...I'm realizing that I AM turning into one of those proud Mommies who thinks that every little outfit is going to be the cutest thing in the world once it is adorning their precious baby. But, really, she will be the cutest thing in her new little Robeez (picture below) and baby Gap outfits. For those of you who don't know, Robeez are the most adorable little baby shoes ever invented. I haven't figured out how to put links on my blog, yet, but maybe I'll try to figure it out so you can all see what I'm shoutin' about. I thought about taking a picture of all the gifts spread out on the bed, but that's the moment I realized I'm turning into one of those Moms. So, I'm showing restraint and I'll post pictures of the Munchie IN the clothes.
Gram and Mom especially, thank you for treating us like the Queen and her Princess. We are so thankful for the amazing family we have and we don't take you for granted!

Great-Grammie Fraser, Grammie, Mama, and Auntie Heather

The Hostess with the Mostess

Proud Daddy reading "Pat the Bunny" to all us girls (don't tell him I told you, but he was at the shower the whole time, loving every minute of it-what a guy!)

I told him this stuff was for the baby, but...

The famous Robeez (which I did exchange for the purple ones with snails)
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