How does life change so much in just a few days? One day you're waddling around like a duck and the next you're cradling a newborn. These days are bursting with change. Our family has embarked upon a journey back into the real world. After 3 years of simple, hippie-style community living, we are moving back to suburbia. Read on for stories of first-time parenting snaffoos, job-searching, house-searching, and serious faith-stretching.
Awww! These came out great! I think this baby's gonna turn out pretty cute!
yae!! so happy for you, girls are heavenly! So, do you have a name? Devon has a nice ring to it.
Wow! What detail!! Every ultrasound pic I got I could never make head nor tail of it...
yup-fortuna does the best ultrasounds!!!!!!!you're already far enough along to know the baby is a girl!!!!! wow
Hurray!! We just happen to LOVE baby girls. Congratulations. We love all three of you!
She's so CUTE!
Congratulations! When are you due? You are going to have so much fun!
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