Sunday, July 09, 2006

The real reason why we have a new computer...

Well, if you've read Marc's blog lately you might be thinking that we are fortunate enough to have a computer because of my budgeting diligence. It is true that for the past 5 months or so we have been carefully budgeting, and because of my structured personality, I love it. But it's been harder for Marc to live within the confines of a budget, since he's more of a generous and free-spirit. So he deserves more kudos than I do for that reason alone.

Furthermore, we really wouldn't have this computer if it were only for my budgeting. Yes, saving money has helped, but in reality we have this computer because of the generosity of our Papa. God has used so many of our amazing friends and family to bless us with birthday gifts (beyond expectation!) and continued donations toward our ministry here at The Land...

But the real kicker is this: Picture it with me. (It won't be hard to do since so many of us have traveled this road) Marc and I get married last October. We register at BB&B and REI so we can acquire the type of wedding gifts that one-room cabin-dwelling, traveling couples need. Most of the gifts we receive from REI are for Marc: a hiking backpack, lightweight down sleeping bag, sleeping mat, and a lightweight 3 man tent...all of these things, plus all the other supplies needed to hike and backpack, became ours. We were so excited! I had been on many backpacking ventures with my dear friend, Laura, but Marc hadn't been yet. We could hardly wait till the spring so we could hike the Lost Coast together.

Then...pregnancy. Hey, we're flexible! We're excited. Of course, we'll gladly become parents (a little earlier than we'd planned, like 3 years earlier).

So this summer hits us. My belly is growing an inch a day, I'm eating every 10 minutes and laying down to rest every 20. It becomes apparent that we are not going to be using all that top-notch hiking gear. Not only are we not using it this summer, we're moving to Chicago this winter and we certainly won't be using it to hike around Lake Michigan anytime soon. So, sadly, and after a bit of mourning, Marc decides to return all the unused gear. This was a big deal. It wasn't just about cool stuff we'd gotten for our wedding. It was about huge changes in our lives, in a sense, the loss of freedom and mobility. For a man, giving up his sense of adventure and trading it in for stability and family is a complex and often difficult transition. Now, I KNOW that Marc is absolutely overjoyed at the fact that he is becoming a daddy. It would be worth trading in an entire REI store to hold his little princess for the first time, but I just want to acknowledge his selflessness and love for us girls.

Now, thanks to Marc and the REI return policy, we have a computer and the beginnings of our "moving stash." And that's the real reason why we have a new computer.

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