Saturday, July 15, 2006

familiar droppings and an odd smell

My favorite thing to wake up to on a Saturday morning is a dead, rotting mouse in my storage bin under the bed. He must have led a somewhat contented life nestled in there because there are grains buried all throughout my clothes. I can imagine how nice it would have been, lying amidst my cozy winter scarf, storing food in my undies...and taking his last breath nestled in between my woolie socks and my soft cotton tee shirt.

Time to do some laundry.


ginag said...

That is so gross!!!! I hate mice and the smell is horrible. I think I would have thrown out my clothes.

Megan said...

i did throw out most of the clothes surrounding him. i couldn't stand the smell, especially with a pregnant sniffer. But I washed everything else in the bin...

Elena said...

Well my favorite thing to wake up to is my husband waking up putting his shoes on, and finding they don't quite fit right,and then finding a dead mouse in them!