Wednesday, April 26, 2006

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

I just wanted to write a quick entry (because I'm in the middle of baking Grammie Fraser's famous Canadian Oatmeal Bread and Elena's Pumpkin Coconut Soup for dinner)...

I've been so blessed lately through this blog. First, my dad must have really felt my pain as he read about our dilapidated printers because he actually bought Marc and me a new laser printer! What a sweet dad I have. No more disastrous printer stories to look forward to.

And just after writing the entry about my birthday dilemma, Levi's wife Jessie wrote a comment, offering for Marc and me to stay with them in Sacramento for the Whole Earth Festival. The crazy thing is that we hardly even remember each other. I think we met 2 years ago when I camped out there with about 15 other crazy hippies from Prodigal Project. How random for her to read my blog, which she found through Rachel's blog, and then to offer their guest room to us. It's been a sweet reminder that the Lord really will provide for us according to our needs. Thanks for being so random and cool, Jessie!

Just to top it off, today is sunny and 74 degrees, with a forecast of sun, sun, and more sun, reaching up into the 80's! It's finally coming! Yea for summer (and homemade Oatmeal Bread)!


mommasara said...

mmmmm canadian oatmeal bread
i spread the addiction for that wonderful bread to our neighbors

beinmolded said...

God is amazing huh? :) Just thought i'd say hi and I love you Meg! I finally got this so I could comment on everybody's blogs...hehe

Love you!

Lisa said...

Hi Megan! I just did some catching up on your blog. You had gone for such long stretches between writing that I hadn't been checking in! Exciting to hear about the kicker and the solution for the whole earth weekend! I've been meaning to ask you for your bread recipe and I was wondering, if it's not too secret, maybe you could post it for anyone else who may want to induldge? love you!